Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Oh Prozac my friend.

*Big sigh!*

Ok, I am beyond fed up with being in NJ. The traffic here is beyond crazy. Most of the drivers give new meaning to aggressive. And the road design is just stupid. Why should it take me 10 min to go across the street? WTF!

Ok, lets see, it started in March 2009. My work was starting to slow down in Syracuse, so the boss asked if I minded traveling. I thought it sounded cool, so said sure. For 3 weeks I was in Harrisburg, PA. It was ok. Traffic was worse than Syracuse, but manageable. The crew I worked with was ok, even if the only female was a bitch. :P Comone, you are covered with tattoos and I comment on them and we talk about them, then you complain to your boss that I was being too personal. WTF bitch, if you had a problem, tell me, don't be a coward and tell your boss there is a issue. Have fun being a whore and trying to keep your 4 "steady" boyfriends happy. ... sorry, I digress ...

Ok, so I was in PA for 3 weeks. The last week there we had a new crew from NJ, I supervised their work, and thought they did a good job. There was no work coming up, so I knew I was in SYR the following week. That Monday, the inspector and my "boss" down there decide to quality check the job and fail it. This inspector prick was pulling on zip ties with pliers to get the last click in them. The "boss" said there were QC issues, but never provided photos to back them up. Oh well. Not my problem anymore. WTF? Seems like I was being pushed out, and this was the first true chance they had to do it. So, needless to say, they didn't want me back in PA. So Fuck them.

Well, the week I am home, my real boss says that they could use me in NJ, did I want to come down here. I thought, sure, some place new, why not.

That was the first week of April. I have been stuck in this same hotel (different rooms, but same hotel) since April. I starting being here Mon afternoon - Fri morning. Now I "have to" come down on Sunday night so I am available first thing Monday. So, now I am here Sun evening - Thurs evening. I get to go home Thursday nights, usually home around 1am. Oh yea, I forgot, it is a 4.5 hour drive one way from SYR to where I am staying here. That is with no extra traffic, weather, or construction. It f'ing sucks!

So basically I am home Friday / Saturday. Sunday is a travel day, and Thursday is a travel day. I am getting the short end of the stick here, and it is really starting to wear thin.

Lets not get on the subject of the idiot I have for a boss while I am here in NJ. I read his emails and want to reach through the computer and rip his face off. He has no email etiquette, and is clueless to the process we have in place.

So, I am stuck in this hotel from Sun night - Thurs eve. I swear "they" expect me to work the entire time I am here. Take today for example, I didn't stop working on paperwork until 10:00 pm. WTF is wrong with this picture? Yea, I am salary, but that doesn't mean I am "their" bitch. Granted, I have no life when I am down here, but I need some sort of break, or I will break.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Did I really just do this?

Well, I never thought I would be starting a blog. I am not a person that shares my feelings or thoughts with much of anyone. I keep to myself and keep my thoughts and opinions locked away so as not to "offend" anyone.

Not sure how much I will update this, but this is the first step.